Thursday, June 19, 2008

Adventures with Maque

Some of you (or possibly most) know my dear friend Mackenzie. You may also know of her driving. It's... unique. Some would say horrible. I've ridden with her enough it doesn't really phase me. Today we had an escapade just the two of us and she drove. It's been great to get to do stuff with her lately because over this past school year we really lost track of each other. It's nice we can pick up where we left off and all is well. Gotta love best friends. And now my dear friend is coming back to work at Hartland! I'm glad we'll get to work together some for the rest of the summer and hopefully hang out more. I <3 friends

This was the best picture of the two of us I could find on my laptop. Guess when this was!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nicole has a bloOOoog...
nicole has a bloOoOog...
nicole has a blooOoOg...

yay! nicole has a blog!