Monday, December 29, 2008

Catching Up Part I

First off, I'd like to note that this is part one of Catching Up. The number of parts has yet to be determined. This the first part shall be about the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert and the little events surrounding it.

This story begins Monday, December 22 in Bicknell. Ben and I headed to pick up Lynette and do all the fun stuff one does in Bicknell (i.e. go to the bank). I realized when we were at the bank waiting on Ben that I forgot the maps and stuff so we had to stop at my house on our way through. Then the real journey began. We made our way up 67 to 231 and on to 70 to get to our lovely hotel in Plainville. We relaxed in our room for a little while but not too long because Lynette and I (but most her) decided we were hungry. We looked through the giant Indy phonebook for Chinese restaurants and eventually found two on a street very near Conseco. We happily headed out to fill our rumbly bellies.

Once we got in Indy and on the correct street it didn't take Ben long to realize we were about 800 blocks away from the one restaurant and about 100 away from the other... Oops. Luckily Lynette spotted a B-dubs so we went around the Circle and on our way back to B-dubs Ben spotted a nice parking garage. Our food was delish and B-dubs was warm unlike the outside. Sadly I forgot the tickets in the car... Ben was quite the gentleman and went back to get them. Then it was finally concert time!

The concert was amazing. I can't really describe it other than that. Thankfully pictures are worth a thousand words and I have plenty. I believe it has yet to be decided how many words a video is worth, but I've got plenty of them too. I hope you enjoy these!

I can't remember the song that was going on but you can see the twinkly lights - ie snow. They were tres pretty.

The awesome lasers and light show and fog and people rocking out. All in all, amazing.

The "drunkard" singing. It was a really good and also touching song.

The strings rawking out. They are so talented. The videos later demonstrate their amazingness more.

Pretty purple and blue stage.

Opening set of the show

*I tried to upload a couple other videos but it's being cranky so I'll get them up soon.*

After the concert we booked it back to the car and then to the hotel. I read a little, Ben watched tv, and Lynette texted for a little while before sleeping. I guess we didn't get to sleep early enough because we didn't leave as early as planned. Weather wasn't bad up there when we left but dad had called and said it was icing at home already. Everything was fine on 70. We got on 231 which wasn't too bad until after we stopped for gas. By the time we got back on 67 it was definitely slick. I was planning on stopping once we got in Spencer which was just a couple miles away but suddenly I see a silver Cavalier sliding across the road toward me. I tried to get over and avoid her but it didn't work. She bounced off me and the high schooler driving it got it to stop down the hill. We had to wait on the cop to show up. He had us pull way over on the pull off. Once he finally got done with his report I was very ready to get to town, eat, and wait on the roads. He told us to stay until the highway trucks went through, but it wouldn't have mattered because we were blocked in by two semis and three coal trucks. After about two hours of waiting we finally could get out. Although I would have liked to sit down and eat, I really just wanted to get home. Wouldn't have mattered because we had to wait in traffic on the other side of Spencer for around two more hours. After we got out of that we were free and clear the rest of the way home.

Thankfully the only thing that happened to Dean's car was a small dent in the driver's door and some paint scraping. The girl that hit me just had a busted headlight.

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