Thursday, August 13, 2009
On Fire
Becky read this passage last night at the first night of the Crazy Love study. And it stuck with me. I always understood that lukewarm water and other drinks generally aren't appealing. Ok, so lukewarm = bad. No big deal I get that part of the metaphor. But what about the whole hot and cold thing? Why would Christ want you to be adamantly against the faith instead of a halfhearted follower? I'm not saying we should be halfhearted, but isn't it better than not believing at all?
Before I started this post I googled this passage and one article came up that interested me. It's title is "How to Make Jesus Sick." That intrigued me. I haven't finished the whole thing but I found this part really good.
This begs the question: why would Jesus prefer cold to lukewarmness? If we understand the term “cold” to mean hostility toward the Gospel, we must conclude that Jesus would rather see a person an antagonist than a halfhearted follower. But that explanation seems doubtful. It is unlikely that Jesus preferred hostility to half-heartedness. A better way to understand these verses is to see both “cold” and “hot” as positive terms. Cold water refreshes, hot water heals, but lukewarm water does neither.
Now that makes since to me! I want to be like a cold drink to me friends. I want to help refresh them. I want to be hot water also. I want to help with the healing. I want to be this way not just with my friends but to everyone I see. I want the to look at me and say, "She's different." I don't want to be like that world and get caught up in the wealth and riches of the here and now. I want to store up my treasures in heaven where moth and rust won't be.
Don't get me wrong, I worry about money. I want to have a good paying job and not have to worry about making it from paycheck to paycheck. I want to have extra to share with those who don't have enough. By no means am I always not lukewarm. I have my funks. But it's not where I want to be.
In the article it also talks about the Greek word that John used for "to spit." It was emeo. This doesn't just mean spit; it means "to vomit." That's harsh. I don't want to make Christ sick. I want him to be proud of me. I want Him to look at me the way a father looks at his daughter when she first rides her bike with no training wheels or when she brings home a a report that she worked really hard on and got an A. I want him to be happy, ecstatic to say, "She belongs to me."
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The part I was reading tonight was about being odd. I'm not talking about wearing funny clothes driving a weird vehicle. I'm talking about standing out from the world. It talked about being unbalanced and not being the same. Although being balanced is something many of us have striven for in our lives, the book takes a different approach. Yaconelli talks about how discipleship can cause all kinds of seemingly bad things and unbalance in our lives. When we are different from the world instead of trying to be like everyone else, we cause tension. The book states that "faith is the unbalancing force in our lives that is the fruit of God's disturbing presence."
In John 15:18-19 Jesus say to the disciples, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
Jesus says that the world might very well hate us because we are different and that's ok with me. That means I'm doing what I'm supposed to. I'm spreading the gospel of Christ. I'm living out the Great Commission. I encourage all of you to be unbalanced, odd, different, hated by the world.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Poking, Prodding, and Pushing
All of these things are really hard for me, but I'm seeing the benefits already. God is blessing me for it already. I pray that God continues to push me even if I may complain from time to time. I pray that he offers me more opportunities to grow in Him. I pray that he helps me to have a faith that is not dead but that is alive and active. That my faith will be full of actions. That I will be set apart from the world and people will be able to look at me and say, "There's something different about her and I want to know what it is." I pray that I will be a shining light in this world of darkness for Christ. I ask these not just for myself but all those around me, all those in this world who are seeking after You so that we might show the world how amazing You are!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Update on My Life
Saturday after all the campers were gone I took part of Lynette's senior pics. I'm still amazed at how well they turned out. I still have to edit them but most of them aren't going to require much more than cropping. After we finished taking the pictures we sat at The Special Place for over an hour talking. It was really nice.
It's been a whirlwind week since I've been back. Free meal at church was Sunday after the 20s and 30s lunch. I've been spending lots of time with Lynette and Ben. Wednesday night Lynette and I ended up at Denny's with Seth, Becky, and Thomas. Thursday and Friday night I hung out around Vincennes with Lynette, Ben, and Ben. I'd forgotten how much fun just playing around could be. The first night we went to The Memorial followed by Taco Chicken and Wal-Mart. The next night we again met at The Memorial but this time we went to Denny's and then Gregg Park. Swinging is fun. The four of us ended up sitting in the bed of Lynette's truck for over an hour talking, maybe even close to two hours. I'm not really sure since both Lynette's and my phones died.
Today I got to spend all day with Lynette again. It's been really fun spending all this time with her. Some might say that we have too much fun together. I'm so thankfully that God gave me such a great best friend!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Making a Mess
This got me thinking about how easy it is to make mistakes in our lives. All it takes it one small wrong decision to flip things end over end. A lot of times we don't even realize we've done anything until we see everything spinning out of control. Thankfully we have a God who loves us and doesn't blow up at us when we do this. He is patient with us and gives us time to clean up the mess. He doesn't expect us to clean it up all on our own; He gives us the tools we need to clean up our messes.
Today I'm praising God for the many times He has helped me clean up both the big and small messes I've made in my life. I praise Him for the wonderful Christian family He has sent into my life to help me through my messes. I praise Him for giving us the Bible for guidance when making our decisions and for helping us figure out how the clean up our messes. I praise Him most of all for sending his son Jesus to be the ultimate clean up tool for our biggest messes. I'd like to see Mr. Clean try to top my Jesus at cleaning. Christ is so good He's even cleaned up my heart a time or two.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wedding Woes
1. I will be done with college (for the first time at least) at this point as will Ben. Hopefully he will have what so many of us like to call a "real" job at this time aka full time.
2. Many years ago I told my dad that I would wait until I was done with college to get married. (It is somewhat important to point out that when I did this, I didn't think I would find "the one" until college or later so it was no big deal.)
3. I'm worried that if we didn't wait until I was done that my grades might slip. Plus I would be doing my student teaching while married (though I've heard that it's way worse if you do it while planning a wedding...).
4. We currently do not have the resources to get a place of our own place. I'm currently hoping to hear from the bank at Sandborn about a part time position which could help partially alleviate this issue.
5. I'm worried about what getting married before I'm done with my bach degree might do to my financial aid. I'm fairly certain it wouldn't affect my val/sal scholarship which covers all tuition, but I don't know what it would do to my federal and state grants.
Recently Ben and I have been discussing moving the wedding up a year. Not only have we both wanted to move it up, but we've had multiple people mention it to us. People have told me that they have confidence in me keeping my grades up. Lynette and I went to Evansville today to take a few dresses to a consignment shop and while we were down there we stopped by David's Bridal to look around. I ended up trying on a couple a dresses and fell in love with one of them. This did not help me lean toward waiting the two years at all.
The thing that is holding me back more than anything else is #2 on that list up there. I promised my dad that I'd wait. It was definitely half-hearted when I did, but it was still a promise. I know he would be rather mad at me if I didn't wait, but at the same time, it is my decision. Mine and Ben's. Not my parents. Not his parents. Not friends. Ours.
Another biggie is #4 - the money issue. Being at home and not on my own, I really don't have to worry about money that much. I've been trying to save and help out some since I got the job at the store my junior year, but still, the only bill I'm paying is my car insurance. I also pay for my own gas and any little extras I want, but I'm not paying electric, telephone or internet bills. I'm not making car or house payments. I don't have to pay for my own health insurance. Once we get hitched, those will be things I have to worry about and until at least one of us has a good paying job, we won't be able to pay for those things.
I know if we only waited until next August, I would have time to come down off of the marriage/honeymoon high before classes started up again (more time than if we waited two years and I had a job teaching at a high school). It would only be one year and I know Ben would support me. Recently I've been thinking that instead of my grades dropping, they might actually get better or at least remain at the relatively high standard I've put for myself already. I might push myself more since I wouldn't be at home and relying a lot on my parents.
Dear friends, what I'm asking for from you more than anything else is prayer about all of this. Ben and I really want to make the right decision. We don't want to make a hasty decision, so we're giving it lots of thought and prayer.
<3 Nicole
Monday, May 25, 2009
Birthday Fun
After it was over we headed to Wal-Mart so he could get something with his birthday money. Ben and I were pretty sure he would head for the Nerf guns. He made us go up an down a few aisles before he decided on anything. First thing he grabbed was a Hot Wheels race track which he later put back because it was too small. He ended up with a not Nerf but the same idea tommy gun, a two pack of Hot Wheels (one changed color), and a truck with a 4-wheeler in the back. Not gonna lie - I'd really like to get one of the tommy guns.
We had a really good time out with Hayden. When we brought him home the other two were asking what we were going to do for their birthdays. Seems like they want to do the same thing! We hung out with the kids and Andrea for a while. Ben played with the Nerf guns with the kids while Andrea and I talked about this, that, and the other. We even ended up staying to eat with them. I have to say that yesterday was a really fun day!
Friday, May 15, 2009
I want a lot of things, but more than anything else I want Him to show me what way to turn. I want to get closer to Him. I want to figure out my place in this mess of a world. Currently it seems that instead of getting what I want, I'm getting a lesson in patience.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Big Night!
Last week we decided to start a new tradition. It's called Super Friday Supper. Since we're both a little short on cash lately, instead of going out, we decided to have a nice meal in. We're taking turns cooking, decorating, and making it an all around good evening. I had no idea how good this Friday evening was going to be.
I got my clothes, jewelry,etc together that I wanted to wear together and then came and chilled in the living room while Ben started cooking and getting the computer room ready. After a little while Ben led me with my eyes shut to the bathroom to get ready. I wasn't originally going to take very long getting ready but decided to put a little more into it. I'm glad I did! Ben waited on me to finish and then led me to the table. He had put music on, had a candle out, and put a fireplace screen saver on the computer (Don't laugh. I wanted to do it the week before but ran out of time before I found one.).
We were having a pretty good night already. He'd gotten some love songs that I really like together. (The first song that played as he walked me in was "Something There" from Beauty and the Beast. And there was also "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from Lion King.) The next song that played was "She's Everything" by Brad Paisley. Ben asked me to close my eyes and just listen, to think about the lyrics. I did but with some grumbling. As it was winding down I started asking if I could open my eyes yet. Ben told me I couldn't yet.
The thoughts going through my mind at this moment never once zoomed over what happened next. I had a feeling that he was up to something. I thought he was going to give me some dorky gift or something like that. Boy was I off the mark on this one. It most definitely not dorky at all. It was the most amazing thing ever! Ben said I could open my eyes so I did. I saw him in front of me on his knee. I saw the box in his hands. All previous thoughts left me head as did all words. He opened the box and said those words that every girl hopes to here one day. "Will you marry me?" I think at this point I almost tackled him. I kinda forgot to say yes at first though my actions were clearly yes. He finally said something along the lines of "I take it this means yes?" I told him yes. He took the ring he gave me for my birthday last year off my finger and put the engagement ring on instead.
We spent the rest of the night pretty giddy and telling people what had just happened. There were lots of texts to send and even more to reply to. It's still hard to believe it finally happened, but I have a ring on my finger to look and at remind me that it did happen, that it is true.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Word of God Speak
With the Bible study on my heart it really spoke to me. I know I'm not in the Word as much as I should be. I was doing pretty good for a little while and then homework started piling up again and it took precedent over what should come first. I admit that I was wrong and I know better, but I don't always do what I know I should.
My prayer today is that His Word pores down on me. That it drowns me in Him. That I will put Him first so that all else may fall into place. I pray for time each day to spend in the silence with nothing but Him and His Word. I pray for a continual desire to do so. I pray that those around me feel this desire, this urge, this fire within as well.
Here's a link to a youtube video of the song and the lyrics are below. Enjoy!
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak
I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice
I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hearing His Call
When I said this I was kind of lying. More than once in the past it was put on my heart to start a Bible study, but I've pushed it away every time. It's been three years since the first time. I was just a junior in high school and didn't really feel like I was old enough to do something like that. I can't remember the other specific times, but I know there were others. The main reason I told God no way is because I hate being put in the spotlight. I really do. I like doing things well, but I don't like people telling me about it. About how good I am. It's like when Seth mentioned me talking to Bev about being put in the rotation for praise team. As much as I like to sing and know that my voice isn't horrible, I really don't want to get in front of people. I don't like people telling me how great the speech I gave was and stuff like that.
Anyway, back to this Bible study thing. It looks like youth Bible study is being canceled for the summer. I'm not a fan of this but there's not really anything I can do. I kind of feel like this is even more conformation to lead one myself. I've even been led to a topic. I'm just afraid to go any farther with it. I don't know what ages to do it for. I don't want to exclude anyone. I don't want to be the youngest person there and leading it but at the same time I don't know that many younger who would want to go. Another problem I'm having is my lack of knowledge on the subject I'm being led to. In a nut shell I'd like to expand on these seven truths about Satan that we touched on in BibLit. It would be something about understanding the ways of Satan and guarding oneself against him.
I'd really appreciate the prayers off all of my few but faithful readers. I'd also like to know if anyone is interested in it or not.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Step of Faith
Friday, March 13, 2009
No such luck.
They (Sorry Mrs. Summers. I know I'm using the infamous "they" but I don't know what else to use.) have the summer and fall class schedule up online. Being the anal scheduling freak I am, I have already drawn up two possible schedules. This was withing about 2-3 hours of me finding this and working nonstop. Now I would like to come up with alternative 3 in case Mr. Bardole doesn't like them. All possibilities include classes every day. Guess subbing is out for the fall semester too. At least I'll get to sub during May.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I got a lot to say to you
Yeah, I got a lot to say
I noticed your eyes are always glued to me
Keeping them here
And it makes no sense at all
We should have so much to say to God. We should want to tell Him everything, ask Him for things and His will. His eyes are always on us. He sees everything we do and knows everything we think. And it doesn't make sense. We are flawed, fallen creatures but He loves us anyway.
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
This part made me think of people ignoring or misusing the Bible. "Scribbled out the truth with their lies" Jesus is the Truth. Satan lies and deceives trying to scribble Christ out of everything.
Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)
I didn't really know anything to say to this part...
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this
It's great when we get to spend quiet time with God. Just the one-two of us talking and listening and just being with Him. Sadly, for many of us that rarely happens. We've had a long day at work/school/with kids/ets and we just want to relax do we sleep/watch tv/get on facebook/check the blogs/etc and don't make time to be with God. But that's so much more relaxing than any of those things. He takes away all the nuts of the day and gives us peace.
If you want to play it like a game
Well, come on, come on, let's play
Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending
Than have to forget you for one whole minute
How horrible would it be if we just completely forgot about God? If we shoved Him out of our life completely?
That's pretty much all I have and the rest is mostly repeating too.
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
They taped over your mouth
Scribbled out the truth with their lies
You little spies
Crush, crush
(Two, three, four!)
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than this now
Rock and roll, baby
Don't you know that we're all alone now?
I need something to sing about
Rock and roll, hey
Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now?
I need something to sing about
Rock and roll, hey
Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now?
Give me something to sing about
Sing about Him! Praise Him with song!
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
No, oh
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
Just the one-two of us, who's counting on
That never happens
I guess I'm dreaming again
Let's be more than
More than this
Ohoh ohoh ohoh
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Scaredy Cat
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Umm... Do You REALLY Want me to do that?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Amazing Weekend
Monday, January 5, 2009
What's a Girl to Do?
I guess to attempt to sum this up - I feel torn. I don't want to lose group A because they mean a lot to me, even if they don't realize it. If I was ever put in a situation where I had to choose I would have to choose B. I need advice on what the most Christian way to handle the situation when next I'm put in it. What do I say, how do I act, etc.